8 Easy Ways to Increase Your Protein Intake

8 Easy Ways to Increase Your Protein Intake

8 Easy Ways to Increase Your Protein Intake

Eating more protein can be a chore…but it doesn’t have to be! There are lots of ways to increase protein intake and BuzzFit took the time to compile a digestible list just for you. 

Whether you are looking for a couple quick tricks to up your daily protein consumption, or whether you’re interested in finding different protein rich food sources to incorporate, this article has you covered! 

These 8 easy ways to increase protein intake are a sure-fire way to get you the nutrients you need without the daily struggle of coming up short.

Check out our list of how to increase protein intake and learn some great new ways to add more protein to your diet today!


3 containers of meal prepped food


1) Meal Prep 

Meal prep is a great way to up your protein intake. One of the hardest parts about getting a sufficient amount of protein into your diet is making meals that incorporate protein. Unlike carbohydrates, many of which are shelf stable for grab and go convenience, a majority of proteins are refrigerated and need to be cooked thoroughly (which takes time!). Work smarter, not harder, and start prepping protein heavy meals that are easy to heat up and scarf down!

2) Watch Your Macros 

Knowing how much protein you need is pivotal for getting more protein into your diet. You’re never going to be able to properly increase your protein intake if you don’t know how much protein you actually need. Especially if you participate in a protein rich diet like Keto or Paleo, watching your macros isn’t just a best practice…it’s a necessity! A little lost? If you’re wondering what macros are, check out this article on what macros are and why they’re important!


BuzzFit Smoothie


3) Shake It Up!

Protein shakes, smoothies, and even protein rich instant coffee like BuzzFit are a great way to get a protein boost anytime of the day! Protein rich beverages are the grab and go alternative to a carb rich snack to help you keep your carbohydrate intake low and your blood sugar stable with extra protein. Plus, if you’re craving something sweet BuzzFit has deliciously sweet flavors like Vanilla Late and Mocha which both have zero added grams of sugar!

4) Don’t Miss Out On Dairy… 

Dairy is a great way to get your protein intake up, as most dairy foods contain a great fat to protein ratio. Specifically, whole fat greek yogurt, eggs, and low processed cheese like feta are all great sources of protein that are easy to incorporate into your diet. According to TheHealthy.com greek yogurt makes a great sour cream substitute! Additionally, feta cheese is a fresh way to liven up any salad or vegetable dish. When searching for fun ways to get more protein into your diet, dairy is a delicious way to get in those extra grams!

5) Cut Those…Coupons! 

Okay, so most of us aren’t actually cutting coupons but searching grocery store ads, buying in bulk, and finding other frugal ways to purchase protein is vital if you’re serious about upping your protein intake. Protein can be pricey, but it’s a lot more expensive when you don’t do your homework! Thanks to apps, email lists, and even paper ads, it’s easy to find out who has the best deals on what kinds of protein. Most major grocery stores run specials on protein (and no it’s not because the food is about to go bad). Keep a sharp eye on those grocery ads and start implementing a shopping/spending method to help keep your protein costs low.


a bowl of oatmeal with nuts


6) Grains For Gains 

When attempting to increase the amount of protein in your diet, try and remember that it doesn’t have to be all animal protein all the time. When most of us think “high-protein diet” our mind immediately goes to steak and bacon. However, there are great plant-based protein rich foods that are easy to add to your diet. Oats in the morning are a great way to get your protein intake up for the day and remain full for hours thanks to the great protein to fiber ratio. According to Healthline, quinoa is a great option for lunches and dinners because it has more protein than rice and it will help keep you full longer. 

7) Eat More High Protein Snacks 

When it comes to adding protein into your diet, sometimes less is more. Your body takes longer to digest protein than it does carbohydrates, which means that when eating protein it takes a little longer for your stomach to tell your brain that it’s full. That’s why when you eat a whole bunch of protein in one sitting you feel extra bloated and uncomfortably full 30-45 min later. Instead of cramming all your protein into one meal, try eating high protein snacks throughout the day and see how that method of food consumption works for you. 


2 girls working out with dumbbells


8) More Resistance Training

This one may seem strange but the more muscle you use the more protein you will need to consume. In order to keep up with the rigorous demands of breaking down and building muscle you will be forced to up your protein intake to avoid things like fatigue, cramping, and even brain fog. Not all workouts are created equal, and while cardio certainly has its place, if you’re interested in trying to add more protein, adding the type of workout that requires a high protein diet for proper recovery is a great way to turn your protein goal into a holistic method of nutrition management. 

The Power Of Protein 

Protein is one of your metabolism's favorite energy sources! Not only does protein take longer to break down than carbohydrates, it’s also easier for your body to convert protein into the metabolic fuel needed for cell creation, muscle recovery, and cognitive function. 

If you really want to increase protein intake, following the guidelines above is a great starting point…but starting your day with protein is even better! And, as it just so happens, BuzzFit instant protein coffee is one of the easiest ways to start your day with protein because there’s 10grams of protein in every serving of BuzzFit. You’re already having your coffee…why not have your protein too!?

Try to remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution for how much protein you need, and it may take some tinkering to figure out your ideal macronutrient balance. Things like weight, activity level, and nutritional goals are all going to play a part for your bodies natural nutritional balance and a health professional like a primary care, licensed nutritionist or even personal trainer can help you expedite your results. 

Enjoy your pursuit of incorporating more protein, and try to remember…you got this!

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